Monday, January 21, 2008

intell. design

No. We have separation of CHURCH AND STATE. Religion contracts itself so many times that those who chose to raise their children with it have no right to demand that evolution is not taught in school. Evolution is a proven phenomenon, intelligent design is religion. If there were proof for religion, there would not be debate as to what religion is correct - there would only exist the religion that has been proven. Anyone who believes the earth is 5,000-7,000 years old is an idiot, and they have no right to force their religious beliefs on children that aren't theirs, nor do they have the right to deny children a basic understanding of what our world is and how it came into being (the truth, not what some farmers scribbled down through word of mouth generations after "god told them"). You can have your bibles and what you think is right because you feel it in your heart/god tells you and whatever else, but KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. People object to teachers pushing their political beliefs on students, and religion is no different - it is a belief/opinion, not fact and definitely not something that should be taught in schools

1 comment:

Athena Smith said...

So you started a blog! Good for you!
You write very well. Keep it up.